
Friday, 26 February 2016


Image result for shore line erosion





Shoreline erosion is a process that occurs along all watercourses. There are many natural
causes (wind-generated waves, water levels, ice, slope of the bank, absence of
vegetation), as well as human (deforestation of shorelines, wave action from passing
boats). Wake is the wave action, produced by the wash of passing ships and boats, that
strikes against the banks of rivers or channels. The extent of erosion varies (Figure 1) and
is closely linked to the nature of the shoreline substratum. In the most severely eroded
areas among the archipelagos in the MontrĂ©al – Sorel sector, the average shoreline
recession rate has been estimated at 1.65 m/year, from 1964-2002 (Lehoux, 2004,
personal comm.).



Shoreline erosion has many consequences on the aquatic environment, including habitat
destruction, an increase in sedimentation and in turbidity of the water, and the release of
nutrients (phosphorous and nitrogen) that promote algal blooms. As well, shoreline
erosion can result in the loss of land and affect shoreline property values.
The significance of each factor varies and may depend, among other things, on the
size of the watercourse. In larger channels, boat wakes have relatively little
impact compared with streamflow, as they make up only 2% to 5% of the
annual energy dissipated against the banks. The opposite is true in smaller
channels where wake accounts for between 95% and 98% of the energy (Hill
et al., 2002). Recreational boating in small channels, then, has a considerable
impact. Where craft navigate is therefore very important. However, it is important
to keep in mind tha t other factors may increase the impact of erosion.
The magnitude of the waves generated by  a boat depends on different factors,
particularly the boat’s speed, its size, passenger/cargo
loading, the shape of its hull, distance from shore and water depth. Wave height is one of
the most important factors in shoreline erosion. Observations made by the Minnesota
Department of Natural Resources have shown that a wave that is 12.5 cm high (the height
of a compact disk case) does not cause significant shoreline damage. Waves of this height
are created by boats operating at speeds generally under 10 km/h—a speed that is
considered reasonable when operating close to sensitive shores. A wave that is 25 cm
high is five times more destructive than a 12.5-cm wave; 62.5-cm high waves are 30
times more destructive. For example, a small motorboat produces a wave that is 25-cm
high when at planing speed, whereas cruising yachts and other craft that do not plane can
generate waves that can easily reach heights of 62.5 cm and more.


It is difficult to apply a universal rule for all boats because of their variable configuration
and behaviour in the water. As such, the surest approach is to observe the wake produced
by your boat.

Watch your speed

By observing what happens when changing speed, boat operators can control their boat’s
wake. Observations made by the Oregon State Marine Board have shown the effects of
three speed zones:
Image result for boats running

Displacement speed – This is usually the slowest speed for most motor boats. It also

creates the least wake. The boat operates with the bow down in the water.
Image result for boats running
Transition speed – As you increase the power while attempting to get on plane, the bow
rises, causing the stern to plow through the water. This speed creates the largest wake.
Image result for boats running
Planing speed – At planing speed, the bow drops back down and only a little of the hull

contacts the water. This speed creates less wake than transition speed, but more than
displacement. Many large craft are not designed to reach this speed.
Boaters can reduce the impact of their boat's wake on sensitive shorelines by checking the
wake being produced, particularly when they navigate near the shore.



A Canadian Wildlife Service study (Daup hin, 2000) revealed that, in the case of the
sensitive, ecologically valuable archipelagos between Montréal and Sorel, wave action
from passing commercial ships might be a major factor in shoreline erosion. In the fall of
2000, the shipping industry adopted a voluntary speed reduction measure within the
framework of the Navigation Committee of the St. Lawrence Vision Action Plan. The
aim of the reduction in ship speed was to reduce the height of the wave produced. More
than 80% of ships complied with the prescribed speeds. After three years of monitoring,
it is noticed that the shoreline recession rate decreased by 45% in certain areas—results
that convinced the shipping industry to maintain the speed reduction measure in the
sectors identified by the Canadian Wildlife Service (press release SODES/St. Lawrence
Ship Operators Association - April 2004).
Since erosion is the cumulative effect of each contributing factor, recreational boaters can
also help in conserving the shorelines and sensitive areas of the St. Lawrence River by
reducing the wake produced by their boats when operating near shorelines and in small
channels. This voluntary action will also promote a more harmonious co-existence
between shoreline property owners and other users of the river.

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