
Friday, 5 February 2016




MEXICO is listed in the NMMA Power Boat International Resource Guide

Image result for Cabo marine show
Image result for Cancun boat show



Mexico is the United States’ third largest trading partner and second largest export market for U.S. products. Building upon the long-established North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), negotiations are now underway for the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), which presents an opportunity to go beyond NAFTA and is anticipated to be finalized by 2014.

Pacific region countries represent some of the world’s most robust economies, representing more than 40 percent of global trade; by including them, the TPP will further boost economic growth by increasing exports to this region.

With a growing middle class, booming manufacturing industry, and probable positive changes with new fiscal, energy and telecom reforms, Mexico is on its way to become Latin America’s biggest market. Mexico’s relatively buoyant financial status has been particularly good for the leisure marine industry. Its recreational market is not yet mature compared to similar sized-economies, but it holds great potential.

Leisure marine is a new segment in the country and the Mexican boater is now evolving into a more knowledgeable user, more demanding of service and more aware of brand/product value.


An estimated 7.2 million Mexicans (5.2 percent of the population) are able to purchase high-end goods, which puts the country into Latin America’s top spot and fourth place globally after the United States, China, and Japan. According to KPMG, Mexico holds 55 percent of the Latin America market for high-end consumer products, totaling USD 12 million in 2011, with 10 percent growth annually for the previous 2 years.




The leisure marine industry is seeing a similar upswing in sales, and U.S. boat builders and equipment manufacturers are in prime position, given the geographic proximity and because NAFTA provides duty-free trade between the United States and Mexico for goods originating in the United States, Mexico, and Canada. The boatbuilding industry in the country is almost non-existent, with just a handful of companies manufacturing boats for recreational use. Most builders are focused on the commercial sector of tourism and fishing boats.

Mexican Boat owners favor vessels of over 35 feet, and nearly 20 percent of them store their boats at second homes by the sea or lakes. Popular boating areas include Ixtapa, Acapulco, Puerto Vallarta, and La Paz, as well as Cancun and inner lakes.

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