
Friday, 13 November 2015

Shrink Wrapping


Shrink Wrap is the industry standard of protecting our boats through the winter, and or for long term storage. A disposable cover that is thrown away 99% of the time after it has seen the end of its use ( really environmentally friendly). It comes in white , blue and clear in a variety of thickness for different environments. Installation of this product creates a pile of waste cut off , it is unfortunate that this is the simplest solution for boats which could see well over 20 winters.

The question is does the wrap affect the boat and is wrap the best way to keep your boat protected from old man winter?

So how does the boat suffer when we wrap it up?

  The first way the plastic can damage the boat is the movement of the wrap cover over the winter. This movement will leave scratches and damage to the hull side and the strips on the hull creating the additional costs of having to buff the hull in the spring. This is even more of an issue with colored hulls. The wrap will also damage any of the canvas that it comes into contact with, the areas of canvas that are damaged are, the corners of camper backs and the areas above the windshield (any of the areas were the plastic will sit on top of the canvas). These canvas components are left on almost all of the time ( a really bad idea) anyone in the canvas industry will tell you to strip the boat of all canvas and store rolled up in a dry safe environment.
  The most damaging effect to the boat is trapping the moisture that the boat has picked up from rain and washing all summer. Just consider what you see in your bilges! This moisture is trying to evaporate to the outside air. The moisture collects on the bottom of the plastic cover, under the floors the walls and cabin ceilings. The next thing you know you have mold and lots of it under your canvas and through out the boat, creating odor's and nasty messes for you to clean up in the spring. This same moisture starts to dry rot wooden components and structure. When a survey is done and high moisture is located in decks and other structural areas the culprit may not be leaks or bad sealant it can be water that has been unable to escape the boat due to being wrapped up tight. This happens despite installing vent holes at the time the boat is wrapped up.
 The best advise is to wrap the boat as late as possible and remove the cover as early as possible. Be sure to have removed as much moisture as possible from the boat and leave as much air flow as possible through the boat as possible, this may mean cracking hatches and doors to the main cabin. Provide air flow under the floors were you can.

The truth be known the only benefit to shrink wrap is it makes a great snow cover, it is fairly easy to install and the snow slides off the surface, as the temperature under the plastic will get warmer than the outside air. I suppose the boat will stay cleaner depending on were you choose to store it, but it will not keep out the critters. There is no other benefit to wrapping your boat. As far as I a m concerned  shrink wrap creates more environmental issues on the boat dealing with mold, mildew and rot. Not forgetting  the waste created with all that used plastic. We generally only use it once and then throw it away , have you seen the mountains of plastic in the spring that build up at the marinas. We should be ashamed of the amount of material and money we simply throw away. There must be a better way to deal with outside boat covering.\

So what are the options?

Well if the environment allows it you can tarp your boat this can be done in various ways, with the budget to do this just as varied. From a quality pre manufactured tarp to a custom fit cover. If done right the tarp will get through several seasons and can be reused for other purposes later. You need to be sure that you have a frame and that the tarp is tied down tight do not tie to the boat stands. a tarp which is not tied down right will cause its share of damage to the boat if you take your time get the right size and tie under the keel a tarp is just as good as wrapping. You will see better air flow through the boat and less mold in the spring as the tarp is not as tight to the boat as plastic wrap.

What can be done to prevent mold and keep your boat in the best condition possible when wrapping?

                 Purchase a dehumidifier  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!                                                                         

The one purchase that every boat owner should make. This simple investment will extend the life of your boat by leaps and bounds,  Run it as often as you can , It will keep your boat dry and smelling so much better it is never to late. At the end of the season really get it going and dry the boat out as much as possible if you can put it under the floors and in the engine compartment. I can not stress enough the difference this will make for your boat! Another tip add a bromine tablet to your bilges regularly the water will remain clean and with out odor, your bilge pumps float switches will last a lot longer and remain clean and free to work at their best. Take down your canvas and open all the lockers and doors that you can, do not use the cabin as a garage and the interior will last and last. These few simple tips will pay for them selves and you will be amazed at the way your boat will smell and stay mold free. The motors will thank you for the dehumidifier it dries out the distributor and the electronics extending the life of these components and your boat will run much better every time. Try it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you have your boat wrapped try to cut a hole in the wrap under the bow sprit to allow a larger air flow space, If small holes are blow through the plastic don't cover them all up let the boat breath. Have a door installed and visit your boat over the winter to change the air. Please only shrink wrap if you have too. If you check with the boat manufacturers you will find that shrink wrap is not recommended for storage.

                                                     Any cover is better than this!!!!

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1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing this post on Boat Wraps Florida service. If you are looking for the best vehicle wraps in Hudson Florida. For more information, visit website. Call now (727) 857-5634
