
Sunday, 29 November 2015

Green Boating

                          GREEN BOATING    /  Do we ever think green when boating?



This may be the shortest article I write. Have you seen the Green Boating tips from Discover Boating? You could have knocked me over with a feather!

Seriously with all the environmental concerns about carbon foot prints and the condition of the lakes, rivers and oceans. You would think that the power boat industry would be high on the hit list. I have heard and seen many discussions on radio and TV about saving our water ways and fossil fuel burners, and some how we the boaters never come up, maybe that's because we are the most environmentally conscience people on the earth. I don't think so.

I wonder how much we pollute our environment? There is a scary thought.

The bottom line is one day in the not so distant future boaters will face cleaning up what we pump over board, and when we do it will be similar to how they cleaned up our roads with the clunker laws. It will only take big brother figuring out a way to standardize and profit from a method of inspecting pleasure boats They will be all over implementation of a program boaters have no control over, or input on. Either that or some type of carbon tax. If this happens those of us with twin big blocks and a generator will have a broom stick snapped off in our transoms. We should try to be proactive on this front. A shout out to all those groups who represent us, tell the boaters why Transport Canada is three years or more in reintroducing the pleasure boat inspection program what are they up too. Or is this just another surprise for us one day coming up.

Apparently if we use bio degradable toilet paper and cleaners, handle our trash responsibly, watch what we discharge overboard, and try to run at less than full throttle. This qualifies you as a green boater. So no one has a plan I am sure the industry will say that they are working on the problem, and that marine suppliers are making the environment a top priority by creating programs like battery recycling programs . OOP's I have not even seen that yet! The industry has however created some great logos, money well spent. What most boaters don't realize is that we have been left out in the cold. Marinas and boat repair companies have got together through groups like the OMOA ( Ontario Marina Operators Association) and created CLEAN MARINE, this way when the proverbial shit hits the fan they can shout from the roof tops that they were aware of the issues and got out front to do their part. When was the last time your marina management came and talked to you about what CLEAN MARINE is, and how you can do your part. That's what I thought. At the end of the day it is up to the boat owner to be responsible, and that's what they don't want to say!

Maybe the environment will be another issue that an independent will take on, we will create a contract were boaters sign up and commit to being green boaters. It will outline between ten and twelve ideas that boaters will commit to. Boaters will sign it, and we will be off the hook for a while. So what are our worst offenders on a daily boating basis?
  • Ant foul ( Bottom Paint)
  • Fuel burn and raw fuel discharge through the motor
  • Fuel spills
  • Oil discharge through the bilge pumps
  • Cleaners and detergents used to wash the boat dishes and ourselves
  • Junk that gets kicked off the dock
  • Fishing line
  • Batteries of all shapes and sizes
  • Electronics disposal
We need a plan if we wish to get ahead of the curve, the question is will we spend the small amount of money per boat it would take to clean up, I wonder? I am not a environmental protection freak and I don't know the exact amount of pollutants that power boats dump on average per year, but I guarantee its a lot more than you are aware of. In some cases the owners do not even know the volume or contaminants that are getting pumped or dumped in the water. I don't know if anyone really wants to know.

Something to think about

 Just think about the amount of anti freeze that gets dumped during the winterizing process. The Shrink Wrap disposed of in the spring.  Have you looked at the ground when a bottom is pressure washed, we are years behind the US and other countries when it comes to this and other processes we get away with. I do know it will be up to us to weed out offenders, we all know boats that pollute, hell some never go to the pump out. That is what I am tiered of its our environment on the water we need to do more.


                                                                                               Author   EC

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