
Friday, 13 March 2015

Boats and Boaters representatives in Canada



Open letter to all the acronym boat representatives out there..........

Where does all the money go and what do you do for Ontario or for that matter any boaters? NMMA, OMOA, and a host of other letters. I am very curious, these groups represent themselves as the voice of Canadian Pleasure Boaters. Over the last 35 years I have been in almost every major marina and yacht clubs in North America and I have yet to meet or been introduced to a single person who identifies them selves as a director or public relations officer. I guess that is my bad luck. I really would like to know what their mandate is and where they use their large budgets and government support, to create a better safer more organized boating experience at the grass roots level in Ontario.I hope they do something other than sell programs to get you a boat operators card. I have tried to reach out to these groups, but they must be very busy listening to boaters needs or creating new boater education and safety programs that are initiated by themselves or one of their board members. Outside ideas must not be serious enough to require their attention.

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Honestly it is no wonder Power Boaters create their own grass roots groups clubs and organizations to try and better their own boating experiences, and do not trust others. These five lettered groups must be contacting  and networking through the privately funded and quality boaters groups and forums like the CBOC. An organization who is working hard to open a responsible dialog with and between Canadian boaters. No they don't. The largest brick and mortar boating school in Canada has never had any interaction with the NMMA/ Discover Boating Ontario. Ontario Place Boaters created their own group in an attempt to negotiate with the Ontario Government, trying to figure out development plans with the marina and where that may leave them in the near future. There are several hundred boaters who are supposed to be represented at the provincial and federal level by one or all of these groups, so why are they not involved with development plan information so the boaters they represent are not in the woods fighting for information on there own.

Don't get me started when it comes to the Power Squadron the power house that was and still is supported by Transport Canada, they have the ability to do so much more, I think that these  representative groups clubs and associations are stuck in the mud they have fat budgets and apparently all the attention of the government officials, and unless I am wrong, large boat membership and data basis of information. So what do they do for the lowly boater the very reason they exist, not a god damn thing that will make a difference in my summer on the water.

I will go to their boat shows and read the updated literature, watch their ads on the TVs at the Ontario travel centers. However I am certain that unless I show up at their door when they are at their office, I will not likely ever meet one of them and have them ask me how they can make my boating experience a better and safer one this year.

If these groups really want to do something grab a boat get out on the water and take the time to have a one on one conversation with our great Ontario Boating community. Take some of their ideas and complaints back to your office and help them have a less stressful and more full filling boating experience. Worry less about the industry, they have their own boys clubs and side with the boater. What a novel idea. Hope you are reading this!  

             Yours truly, Boat Nut Media

In closing I really would like to know what these groups do, If I knew more about real changes or programs that were beneficial to boaters maybe I would have a different opinion, perhaps there will be a  response to this letter if they do I will post it. Because up until now we have reached out to many of these lobbyist groups and so far we've received a whole lot of nothing! They're apparent lack of interest in the boating community, safety, boating education and events has been astounding to us! After all isn't this exactly what your funding, and taking the boaters hard earned dollars is for?

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